"Time is a tricky thing, because, you can't work your way around it". I told this to a friend of mine a couple of days ago when he was complaining about his vacation ending. It is true, it goes forward and nothing else, that's it. It makes some people miserable, like the Uncle Rico in Napoleon Dynamite who was obsessed with the past so much he even buys a fake time machine.
I love to do this lil' trick where I call my friends from other countries with different time zones, specially on New Year's and say Happy New Year. They either are in the next year or in the past year. It's like the only time, pun intended, you can fool the sequence of time and be within two years at the same time, through a phone call.
We can't change that fact that the past will never come back or could be change, we all learned from it and the future is still filled with possibilities, good or bad.