I live in paradise most of the time, a mentally rocky place in the world around the middle of the earth in between the Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea. Connection is something hard to find in my two favorite islands, maybe it's the island mentality. New York city is the other island I speak of at this moment . According to the New York government the city (NYC) hosts about 8 million people in a bit of 304 square miles of land. Add to that all the visitors that are in and out like me. That seems like a hard place to connect with so many people, you are faceless. Then, why did I find a connection in a New York City?
What is a connection between all of us? It must be something more than just an half-empty bed with two people or more than jinx type of thought moments. I'm sure it's easier to find a nice piece of pizza than a real person to bond with at one point of your day in the city.
What is a connection? According to the dictionary it can be anything from “the act of connecting”,”meeting of trains”,to “association” or even “sexual intercourse”. Most probably this definition is applied differently for different people or even depend on context. I shall examine for myself, for a moment: What is a connection, and specially in New York City according to January?
Is it sharing laughs about bad dates? About loves of theater, and how hamsters make cute pets? Is it sharing love for food with Spanish names? It is sharing a bottle of wine? Is it sharing your favorite concert and the bum bum of your heart as “your song” comes along? Maybe it's more like sharing a smile with a complete stranger in a train full of sour morning faces. Should it sound more like the rain you both complain about? The first time you held hands with someone and meant it? Is it toasting about the future with island rum? Is the fact that someone you know found a glove you lost a few hours later in the subway knowing it was yours? Love for hot weather? Sharing stories about drama-drive lives? Creating our own storm? Or knowing we did the city right?
Connection: it might just be fact that you know none of this will ever repeat itself again. I don't really know if all of that is true or not, I live for the maybe. As that cheesy quote says “Every man is an island”, well, from a girl from an island who went to another island to make connections;I'll say like that Ebony Bones song I guess we'll always have New York.
p.s. It was either that or posting on New York's craigslist “Missed Connections” section ;)